Team Members
Zijin Fan
Main Responsibilities
Treatment plan construction, Biosafety design, Art design(promotion video), HP part
Specific Contributions
I contributed to various aspects of the project, ranging from brainstorming and background research to more hands-on work in Human Practices. For the wet lab, I participated in designing the biosafety report pathway, assessed the low pathogenicity of engineered bacteria, and helped draft, integrate, and proofread key documents. I also contributed to scriptwriting for the promotion video. On the Human Practices side, I designed promotional games, planned public education activities, worked on optimizing product accessibility, conducted market research to guide our strategy, developed a collaboration blueprint with multiple stakeholders, etc.
Boyue Zhang
Main Responsibilities
Treatment plan construction, Drug Molecule Design and Optimization, Chassis selection and Design, Biosafety design, assistance for HP
Specific Contributions
During the wet lab phase, I collaborated with Zhang Silei to propose and design a solution combining non-invasive cataract treatment with biofactory-equipped contact lenses. We chose the RNF114+ functional peptide segment and established three design goals: stability, targeting, and permeability. Regarding gene pathways, I suggested using the TAT peptide for corneal penetration and pelB for promoting cellular secretion. I completed the construction of recombinant RNF114 protein, optimized the linker, and used AlphaFold to predict protein folding. Using PyMOL, I calculated the RMSD to determine the optimal solution, and constructed the RNF114-GFP system, completing all plasmid constructions.For chassis biology design, I identified and selected shuffle E. coli. In the biosafety module, I proposed two solutions: nutrient deficiency and killing switch, and designed a nutrient deficiency mutual aid system. Additionally, I provided advice to the team regarding iHP and contributed to writing the wiki, mainly working on the construction and safety sections, as well as contributing to the description, design, and engineering parts.
Jiayi Li
Main Responsibilities
Biosafety design, Chassis selection and Design, Hardware, Treatment plan construction
Specific Contributions
As a member of the Wet Lab, I was primarily responsible for the design of the biosafety section, including the safety alert module and other parts except the suicide system, and contributed to designing the Cell Activity Detection Contact Lens Case. I participated in the selection of the chassis organism, determined the final strain to be used, and prepared plans to enhance the protein expression capability of the strain. I also provided suggestions for improving the permeability of the drug molecule.
Yihui Wu
Main Responsibilities
Treatment plan construction, Drug Molecule Design and Optimization, Biosafety design, Art design, Hardware
Specific Contributions
As a member of the wet lab team, I proposed and implemented a stability solution in the Drug Molecule Design and Optimization section, which is a strategy for the synchronized release of polyols. I suggested using computational modeling to design targeted short peptides. I refined the design of the final drug protein, proposing the use of linkers of varying lengths and properties to connect different functional blocks and verified the folding of the drug protein using AlphaFold and PyMOL. I also designed the synthesis route for hyaluronic acid (HA). In the biosafety design section, I developed a phosphate-based killing switch strategy. Additionally, I provided recommendations for constructing an eyeball simulation in the hardware section, designed the initial drafts for nearly all the schematic diagrams, and completed the content for the parts section, as well as part of the safety, description, design, and engineering sections in the wiki.
Yuhu Sheng
Main Responsibilities
Treatment plan construction, Drug Molecule Design and Optimization, Software
Specific Contributions
As a member of the wet lab team, I focus on the design and optimization of drug molecules. I proposed using GALA peptides to enhance endosomal escape and designed a rare amino acid substitution scheme to enhance the stability of fusion proteins. In the design of short peptides targeting AQP0, I combined RFdiffusion, ProteinMPNN, and AlphaFold to design short targeting peptides that avoid functional sites. I also cooperated with teammate who designed software to sort out the wet experiments required for the model.
Silei Zhang
Main Responsibilities
Treatment plan construction, Drug Molecule Design and Optimization, advice for HP
Specific Contributions
As a member of the Wet Lab, I proposed a solution that combines non-invasive cataract treatment with contact lenses equipped with biofactories, and discovered effective therapeutic functional proteins and corneal penetrating peptides. After that, I focused on the design of gene pathways. During the Wiki writing phase, I focused on the engineering part of the functional verification of therapeutic molecules, and the editing and translation of experimental protocols.
Xiangjun Hu
Main Responsibilities
Hydrogel design, Hardware, Biosafety design, Human Practice, Treatment plan construction
Specific Contributions
As a member of the Wet Lab, I focused on work related to hydrogel design. I completed hydrogel material modifications, participated in eye chip design in hardware, and contributed to the Entrepreneurship portion of the human practice.In addition, I was involved in the design of suicide switches for engineered bacteria in biosafety, and raised suggestions on the molecular stability of drugs and other parts of human practice.
Jintian Zhu
Main Responsibilities
Treatment plan construction,Drug Molecule Design and Optimization, wiki
Specific Contributions
In the course of our project, I undertook a wide range of auxiliary tasks. Specifically, for the wet lab component, I conducted preliminary data searches and summarized wiki references from previous years. Moreover, I also helped with assessing the affinity between targeted short peptides and their binding sites as well as setting up the framework of the protocol. Furthermore, I assisted with the design of wiki and video.
Zixin Lin (wiki)
Main Responsibilities
Wiki architecture design, UI/UX implementation, content management
Specific Contributions
As a member of the dry lab team, I was responsible for the overall design of the wiki, including the architecture design, UI/UX implementation, and content management. I also participated in the design of essential elements of the theme logo and stuffs.
Tingting Liu (Art)
Main Responsibilities
Artwork creation and design
Specific Contributions
1. Visual Identity Design - Spearheaded team visual system development, creating original LOGOs and pictures that align with project positioning.
2. Technical Illustration - Produced precision diagrams including experimental schematics,hardware layouts, gene pathway maps and research flowcharts using professionaltools;Transformed complex principle into intuitive infographics with color schemesand layout design.
3. Multimedia Production – Edited promotion videos, created motion graphics.
4. Presentation Enhancement - Developed PPT templates and redesigned some slides withconsistent visual language, improving information hierarchy through typography andiconography systems.
Tianci Cao (Hardware)
Main Responsibilities
Hardware design
Specific Contributions
As a member of the dry lab team in IGEM WP, my main responsibilities include communicating and collaborating with the wet team to understand and implement the hardware requirements for our project. I am mainly responsible for designing the SolidWorks models, circuit design, and embedded coding for the Eye Simulation Chip and Cell Activity Detection Contact Lens Case. In the wiki writing section, I am primarily responsible for introducing the hardware and providing some materials for video production.
Mingtao Zhang (Software)
Main Responsibilities
Drug Molecule Design and Optimization, Model Development, Software design
Specific Contributions
As a dry lab team member, I mianly focused on model development and software design to support wet lab's drug design needs, including protein conservation analysis, molecular structure prediction, ML-based binding site screening, and AQP0-targeted peptide predictive framework design, while collaborating on corresponding wiki documentation to enhance the team's research capabilities through computational-experimental integration.
External Contributors
Geng Chen
Main Responsibilities
Specific Contributions
During the design of short peptides, he helped with server environment configuration, providing valuable assistance to the design.
Project Timeline
Project Initiation
Team brainstorming sessions and Wiki framework development
Project Planning & Design
Project scope definition, Wiki architecture design, and artistic direction establishment
Content Development
Task allocation and project description documentation
Project Refinement
Wiki content enhancement, documentation writing, and promotion video production